
How ICRP can help your organization realize its goals

Our partners know that if we are to conquer cancer, we need to work together as funding organizations. Our mission is to use the power of partnership to maximize public and non-profit investment in cancer research for the benefit of patients. “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”


Remember hearing @CancerAustralia  present their collaborative funding scheme at the 2018 @icrpartners1 meeting in Washington and chatting about it with Paul Jackson afterwards. Fast forward to 2021 and very proud to have partnered and be funding #CancerResearch together

@DrHelenRippon (Worldwide Cancer Research, via Twitter)


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A global view of research gaps and opportunities - watch the video to hear our partners describe why ICRP is important to them!

ICRP Annual Meeting Delegates
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ICRP is a collaborative international network for cancer research organizations - watch the video to find out more about the benefits of collaboration.

ICRP Annual Meeting Delegates

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"ICRP is a great opportunity to meet with other funding organizations and develop important partnerships to progress cancer research. After conversations that began at an ICRP meeting, Susan G. Komen®, the world’s leading breast cancer organization, has announced a new partnership with Cancer Australia to co-fund research on metastatic breast cancer. The Komen – Cancer Australia Partnership will provide $450,000 over three years to fund the research of Dr Delphine Merino at La Trobe University in Australia.  Through this partnership, cutting-edge technology will be used to identify genes that help breast cancer cells spread to distant organs and resist the effects of standard therapies. The ultimate goal of Dr. Merino’s research is to find the “Achilles heel” of metastatic breast cancer so that this devastating disease can be better treated and eliminated."

Read more about this initiative here

Dr Stephanie Reffey, Senior Director of Data science and Impact, Susan G. Komen & Dr Paul Jackson, General Manager Knowledge Management, Cancer Australia

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Testing the testimonials

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ICRP offers a space for international cancer research organizations to share best practice.

ICRP Annual Meeting Delegates
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ICRP organizations work together to identify opportunities for collaboration and address gap areas in research.

ICRP Annual Meeting Delegates
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Why join ICRP? Watch the video to hear more from our partners about the benefits of membership....

Interested in finding out more? Contact operations@icrpartnership.org

ICRP Annual Meeting Delegates

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“Analysis of the national portfolio using the ICRP’s CSO coding system highlighted low investment in prevention research in the UK in 2004. As a result of the analysis, UK health research funders collaborated to fund over £34m and over 70 projects in prevention research to boost research capacity in this area.”

UK National Cancer Research Institute

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“ICRP’s Environmental Influences on Breast Cancer report highlighted that investment in this area was declining. Over the time period studied, the numbers of active awards declined and funding levels also fell, both in absolute terms, and as a percentage of the overall breast cancer portfolio. Using these data, and other evidence, CBCRP was able to promote additional research and capacity building in this area.”

Dr Mhel Kavanaugh-Lynch, California Breast Cancer Research Program

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“Less than an hour since arriving at #ICRP2018 annual meeting and have already had a breakfast convo about a potential international collaboration. Living the @icrpartners1 mission!”

@DrHelenRippon (Worldwide Cancer Research)

“ICRP worked with the Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance to provide data for a landscape analysis of metastatic breast cancer research, helping the Alliance realize it’s vision of improving outcomes for women with metastatic breast cancer”

Dr Marc Hurlbert, Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance
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