
Please post announcements of funding opportunities / calls for proposals for researchers here. NOTE: posts in this forum will go live on the ICRP public website “Funding Opportunities” page, so please include key information such as the deadline for applications, short description of the call, eligibility requirements (e.g., ‘Eligibility: open to international applicants’) and any links to further information about the funding opportunity. If you wish to edit your post – for example to note that the call is now closed - this can be done by clicking ‘edit’ on the original post. Contact operations@icrpartnership.orgImage removed. if you have any questions or need help to ensure that your organization’s general ‘Information for applicants’ / ‘Funding opportunties’ page link is up to date on the ICRP site.

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Forum Category: Funding Opportunities
Thread: World Cancer Research Fund International - Regular Grant Programme 2021/2022

World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF International) is now accepting grant applications for research on the links between diet, nutrition (including body composition) and physical activity and cancer, as part of its Regular Grant Programme 2021/2022 cycle.

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Forum Category: Funding Opportunities
Thread: NCI - Notice of Intent to Publish: Funding Opportunity Announcement for Implementation Science for Cancer Control in People Living with HIV in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (U01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Please share within your networks. The estimated publication date of the funding opportunity announcement is August 5, 2021.

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Forum Category: Funding Opportunities
Thread: Request for Application - Pancreatic and biliary tract cancers (Trials) - Deadline LOI 30 June 2021

The Anticancer Fund and the Rising Tide Foundation for Clinical Cancer Research are pleased to announce a joint Request for Application (RFA) about pancreatic and biliary tract cancers.

We are seeking to support clinical trials testing novel and unique strategies in the treatment of patients diagnosed with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDAC) and/or biliary tract cancer (BTC). The proposal needs to have the potential to have a high impact (e.g. improve cure rate or survival) on the treatment of these cancers.

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Forum Category: Funding Opportunities
Thread: Grant Round Open! Worldwide Cancer Research 2021 Grant Round

About Worldwide Cancer Research

We are a UK based charity funding early stage, discovery research anywhere in the world.

We have a history of recognising innovative scientific ideas that have the chance to revolutionise cancer medicine. We were founded 40 years ago to support brand new avenues of research and allow scientists to take intellectual risks in exploring challenging new concepts and approaches.

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Forum Category: Funding Opportunities
Thread: AIRC Start Up Grant for young investigators

The AIRC Start-Up grant program is for talented young scientists with a strong commitment to cancer research, seeking the opportunity of becoming independent investigators and setting up their own lab in Italy after a successful research experience abroad.

The grant amount is up to 1 million euro in 5 years.

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Forum Category: Funding Opportunities
Thread: Oncology Nursing Foundation - Nurse scientist focused grant opportunities

Applications are now open for the following funding schemes:

Addressing Cancer Health Disparities Through Evidence-Based Cancer Nursing Research (RE42) $100,000 - deadline May 17, 2021

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Forum Category: Funding Opportunities
Thread: General Research Grant- Open Topic in Cancer Nursing Science (RE02)

The Oncology Nursing Foundation is pleased to announce that the General Research Grant is now open. For further information please visit the ONF website

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Forum Category: Funding Opportunities
Thread: Request for Application - Evolutionary Therapy (Trials) - Deadline LOI 1 March 2021

Opportunity open to applicants from all countries. Please read the eligibility criteria & instructions carefully before applying: 

This Request for Application (RFA) seeks to increase clinical trial activity of evolutionarily informed therapeutic strategies aiming at improving survival outcomes of cancer patients.