Funding Opportunities

NCI - Notice of Intent to Publish: Funding Opportunity Announcement for Implementation Science for Cancer Control in People Living with HIV in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (U01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Thread Post   Created on Wed, June 23, 2021 10:14 AM
ICRP Dummy668
NIH - National Cancer Institute

Please share within your networks. The estimated publication date of the funding opportunity announcement is August 5, 2021.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) plans to publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) as an RFA (i.e., Request for Applications) for the "Implementation Science for Cancer Control in People Living with HIV (PLWH) in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)” Initiative (U01).This FOA aims to support implementation science to accelerate the integration of evidence-based cancer control interventions for PLWH into HIV treatment and prevention programs worldwide by leveraging existing infrastructure. The FOA solicits applications in implementation science to address gaps in the delivery of evidence-based cancer control among PLWH in LMICs and generate data in LMICs that can inform effective and equitable implementation of evidence-based cancer control strategies for PLWH worldwide. This Notice of Intent to Publish (NOITP) encourages multi-disciplinary teams of researchers with expertise in HIV or cancer and in implementation science to consider developing responsive applications that address the cancer control needs of PLWH populations in LMIC settings. 

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